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Hey there!
Here's my story...

As a long-time small business owner, consultant, and previous director, I recently returned to this small business venture as a full-time career.  Balancing a business restart and an extremely full-time life, I was struggling with how to integrate all the new tech tools of this generation into my business processes and workflows.

I was overwhelmed and challenged, but wanted to grow in my skills and showcase my business uniqueness!  I wanted to create more opportunities for my clients to engage with me, let them see me as a real person and find ways to express gratitude for how much their support means to me and my family.  I wanted communications in my office to be streamlined and be able to track my success.  

Can you relate?

Here's what I found...

By implementing some easy-to-use solutions I had an instant increase in my customer engagements!  I had old AND new customers communicating with me in new ways!  They were signing up for things like my customer perks programs, requesting at-home facials kits, & booking appointments with me through automatic scheduling.  I was connecting & building relationships, all while using these new streamlined systems.  I was doing a lot, but not spending as much time in my office!   I had more time to do the things I loved.

I immediately could see how I was growing in my communication skills, & people were responding! My customers were loving the new programs I created for them.  My new systems, while only in the beginning stages, were making a big difference.   

I felt empowered.

I was excited. 

I wanted to help others....   

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